4. Thanksgiving brings the touch of perfection.
Jesus healed ten lepers and only one came back to say thank you. The only one that came back received a touch of perfection. Apparently, Jesus expected all of them to come back because he asked, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?”  There will always be one out of every ten that will come back to say thank you to Jesus. The only man that returned was made whole; completely cleansed and restored. Thanksgiving brings full restoration. Many times God has a lot in store for his people but once they get hold of one, they tend to run away. Learn to give God your best. Let this be part and parcel of your resolution. God deserves your best; only the best is good enough for God. When you get to a point where you resolve to always give God your best – the best of your time, the best of your resources, the best of your energy, the best of your talent, you will be amazed. Anything you give to God is enhanced. God will ensure that you always have the best to give. Everything you give is a seed. The seed can leave your hand but never leaves your world. As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall not cease (Gen 8:22). Release seed in order to have a harvest. Eat the seed, no harvest, no testimony.

5. Thanksgiving brings total liberation.
Acts 16 demonstrates the typical move of God. The anointing for total liberation flows through thanksgiving. Paul and Silas were imprisoned in a Macedonian prison while doing the work of God. They were arrested and locked up but at midnight they woke up and started singing and praising God profusely. They sang so loudly because they were addicted to the presence of God and all the other prisoners heard them. They looked up to God because they knew from whence their help would come. They became oblivious of their environment. You can transform your environment through praise. I have seen this happen over and over again. God sent an earthquake and immediately the foundation of the prison shook, their chains fell off. The anointing of thanksgiving will go to the roots, shake the foundation of idolatry and it will be crushed and completely dismantled. The thunder of God’s power will destroy every chain, yoke, barrier, obstacle, uproot every evil seal and evil mountain and set you on top. You shall be above only and never beneath in the name of Jesus. The forces of darkness that are unleased against you shall be put to flight, you will see them no more in the name of Jesus. The Lord will give you more songs in the name of Jesus. I believe that it is easier to praise than to pray.


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