If you walk with Jesus, you walk in a fear free zone and you will not stumble because there will not be enough darkness in the whole world to make you stumble. You will not fall in Jesus name. Darkness is evil. There are different dimensions of darkness – 

  1. There is darkness the place 
  2. Darkness, the thing
  3. Darkness the realm and 
  4. Darkness the person 

Darkness puts on flesh in the person of the one who was supposed to be the custodian of light. The one who was supposed to be full of light had his mind perverted. His glory was distorted and since then he had been corrupting everything good. His name was Lucifer but he became the evil one because his heart was lifted against God. May we not be like him in the name of Jesus. Today, he has become the father of lies and works against everything that is light. Anyone you come across either belongs to the Father of light or the father of lies. So, who is your father? May you never have the father of lies as your father in Jesus’ name.

It is quite difficult to minister to certain people because they are so confused; there is so much darkness in their system that even when they hear the real thing, it jumps out immediately and they go ahead to maintain the status quo. Such a person is on his or her way down because in the realm of the spirit, there is nothing like stagnation; you are either moving up or you are going down. That is why it is very important to know the direction you are facing. Where are you headed? It matters. Where you are looking is the direction you are going. 

One terrible thing is to follow a leader who is facing the wrong direction. It is a terrible thing to align your will with the will of the father of lies. The father of lies is the same as darkness personified. He is the one who is darkness personified and he has corrupted everything. It is a very terrible thing to align with the will of this evil personality. You need to break away from darkness and embrace light. You need to break away from death in order to embrace light. There is no in-between. There is no neutrality in spiritual warfare; you are either furthering the kingdom of darkness or you are furthering the kingdom of light. Thank God that we are connected to Jesus. Thank God that we are facing the right direction. Thank God that we know whose we are and we know where we are going. 

Never forget that nobody ever stumbles into heaven by chance; it doesn’t happen by chance. You walk deliberately, you press intentionally, second by second, moment by moment, minute by minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly into it. Every step, word, action, and thought either furthers the kingdom of darkness or it furthers the kingdom of light.

Pray –

  • Dear Heavenly Father I thank you for connecting me to light in the person of your son Jesus Christ. I renounce darkness in all ramifications. I ask for grace to walk in the light of your word all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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