There is an anointing


The best decision that can move your life forward is the decision to always give God your best. That is the best decision anyone can make. I listened to a brother in Christ who said he decided at a point in time to start giving God the highest denomination with him whenever it was time to give offering and how God blessed him mightily as a result. It pays to take quality decision in your walk with God.

Pray –

  • That in this time and season, God will protect and preserve every member of your family and bless you abundantly.
  • That you will not be a victim of wrong governance. That you will not be a victim of the misrule in the land. That you will not be a victim of the hardship that has been perpetuated in this nation.
  • That you will not be a victim of man’s inhumanity to man. That evil men will not kill you. That you will not fall by the bullet of an assassin in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ.
  • That God will send his angels to arrest the rot and stench in this nation and transform it.
  • That God will send his angels to the east, to the west, to the south and birth a new nation where the name of the Lord alone is glorified, magnified, hallowed, praised and adored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • That man’s inhumanity to man will come to an end in the name of Jesus.
  • That the poverty in the land will not touch you and your family.
  • That God will open the windows of heaven and pour down his blessings upon you.
  • That you will be a healing agent in this sick world in the name of Jesus.
  • That you will never bow to satanic pressure, or the pressures of the antichrist in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • That no member of your family will beg for bread in the name of Jesus.
  • That God will intervene and give us leaders who will pull the nation out of the brink of destruction and restructure the nation in the name of Jesus.
  • That old men and women will no longer drag down this nation.
  • That God will raise up the generation of those who will transform this nation, let them take over in the name of Jesus.
  • Enough is enough to satanic nonsense in this nation in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Evil men will never rule over this nation again in the name of Jesus. Robbers will never rule over this nation again in the name of Jesus. Imposters will never rule over this nation again in the name of Jesus. Idolaters will never rule over this nation again in the mighty name of Jesus. Only the righteous shall reign. Declare the reign the righteous in this nation.
  • The righteousness of God shall prevail over this nation. Let the heavens open and pour down righteousness all over. Let righteousness cover this nation in Jesus’ name.


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