Heb. 12:15 makes it clear that it is possible to fall out of grace,

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; least any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled”.

Hebrews 12:15 KJV

You will not fall out of grace in the name of Jesus. One of the best ways to celebrate Christ at Christmas is to be up and doing as an enforcer of righteousness where God has placed you. Be an ambassador of Christ. When people are looking for Jesus and they find you, may they not be disappointed in the name of Jesus. Imagine how the world will be if everybody who goes to Church on Sundays will come out and be a true enforcer of righteousness. Without preaching a word, the entire world will submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. May we not fail God in our generation in the mighty name of Jesus.

Pray –
  • Lord, make it impossible for me to fail you. Help me to be a worthy ambassador of Christ everywhere I find myself. Grant me the grace to say no to every appearance of evil and make me an enforcer of righteousness in the name of Jesus.
  • The fact that people are tolerating it in Europe, USA and anywhere else does not make it right if it contradicts your word. Help me to be aligned one hundred percent to your will as revealed in your word in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I ask you for grace to continue to walk hand in hand with you so that your purpose will be fulfilled in every facet of my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I ask that you establish me in holiness, righteousness and wisdom in the name of Jesus.
  • Empower me by your spirit to live above sin, sickness, disease, death, hell, satan and all his agents, wiles, schemes, machinations, principalities, and agenda in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Make my life progressively better. Let every passing moment draw me closer and closer to you. Make me a better person by the day. Let my sanctification be progressive.
  • Make my path the path of the righteous that shines from brightness to brightness unto a perfect noon day.
  • Where others fail, make me to excel. I need your grace. I have never walked this path before, I depend on you Jesus Christ you are the way.
  • Holy Spirit, you are my guide, mentor, helper, teacher, shield, counsellor, comforter, advocate, and intercessor. Help me, I depend on you to finish well and finish strong in Jesus’ name.


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