God has been awesome; he has been wonderful to us in this ministry. Some of the miracles that have taken place in the ministry are wonderful. We have seen blind eyes opened, we have seen people using crutches throw them away, we have seen the dead raised, we have seen all sorts of sicknesses healed; some by word of knowledge. We have seen numerous over-the-phone miracles and many more. These deeds of God should make us fall more and more in love with Him, they should make us take our walk with God more seriously and translate into opportunity to evangelize. It is all about placement of value and making the most of the opportunities that God gives us.

Pray –

  • Father, we are sorry. We acknowledge that we have not measured up to your standards . You have been so good to us, you have been so faithful, you have been so awesome, you have been so generous in pouring out your grace upon this ministry but we have not responded appropriately. Please be merciful unto us, wipe away this transgression and take away this lukewarmness.
  • Help us to make the most of the power of your presence that is always available in our meetings and help us, O God, to be worthy ambassadors of Jesus Christ, your eternal Son everywhere we go.
  • Help us to walk more closely with you than we have ever done and let the blessings of those that seek you increase and multiply in our lives.
  • Make us abundantly fruitful. Establish us in holiness, in righteousness and in wisdom. Thank you faithful God, through you, may we do valiantly. We depend on you O God, in Jesus mighty name we pray.

Prayer is a wonderful seed that has a generational harvest. You must consolidate on any good thing that you have formed the habit of doing; don’t relent. Do not allow the circumstances of life or the vicissitudes of this generation or the world determine the direction of your life. You need not be apologetic about following the path of righteousness. And when everything has been shaken to the roots, you will be one of those still standing because you are not building on shallow ground but on solid rock, on Jesus Christ, our Rock. We should be excited about this. We ought to be celebrating not only who we are in Christ; we should be celebrating what we have in Christ and what Jesus has done for us. We should celebrate his plans for us. A lot of Christians have become very timid; you must recognize that meekness is not synonymous to weakness.

Meekness is power under control of the Holy Spirit; it is when you have so much power that you can unleash but you restrain yourself from doing so. It is when you have so much wealth or so much wisdom but you don’t flaunt it because you have subjected it to the leading of the Holy Spirit, you submit to the sovereign will of the almighty. That is true meekness and it is only those who are led by the Holy Spirit that possess it because it is an attribute of the precious Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, it is lacking in most Pentecostal Churches today. One of the departures from true faith was when the Church began to model around earth-bound metaphors, when the Church stopped grooming people after the nature of Christ which is what discipleship is all about. The Church stopped raising disciples and started raising billionaires that was where the departure started. We need to cry out to God in repentance.


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